MySQL Tutorial

Welcome to the MySQL Tutorial series on csstack. You will learn MySQL through simple and easy commands with examples.


Login/Users commands

  1. Login to MySQL Database
  2. Show MySQL Users
  3. Display Unique Users
  4. Create New User
  6. Granting Column Level Permissions To User
  7. Exit from MySQL server

Database commands

  1. Show Database
  2. Create Database
  3. Use Database
  4. Show Current Database
  5. Delete Database
  6. Import Database
  7. Backup Database

Basic Table commands

  1. Show All Tables
  2. Describe Table
  3. Explain Table
  4. Create Table
  5. Insert data into the table
  6. Delete data from the table
  7. Update the entries in the table
  8. Adding Column To Table
  9. Adding Column with Unique Auto-Increment ID
  10. Remove Primary Key Property From Table
  11. Delete Column From Table
  12. Delete Table

Insert/Select/Like/Where/Update clauses commands

  1. Select multiple columns from table
  2. Select column using equal to(=) condition
  3. Select data in a given range
  4. Combine a SQL string in multiple columns using CONCAT() function
  5. Count the entries in a column
  6. LIKE - Finds entry in table that have given STRING in any position
  7. LIKE - Finds entry in table that start with given STRING
  8. LIKE - Finds entry in table that ends with given STRING
  9. LIKE - Finds entry in table that Start and Ends with given STRINGS
  10. WHERE clause with NOT EQUAL operator
  11. WHERE clause with NOT operator
  12. WHERE clause with LESS THAN operator (<)
  13. WHERE clause with AND operator
  14. WHERE clause with OR operator


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