Welcome to the MySQL Tutorial series on csstack. You will learn MySQL through simple and easy commands with examples.
Login/Users commands
- Login to MySQL Database
- Show MySQL Users
- Display Unique Users
- Create New User
- Granting Column Level Permissions To User
- Exit from MySQL server
Database commands
- Show Database
- Create Database
- Use Database
- Show Current Database
- Delete Database
- Import Database
- Backup Database
Basic Table commands
- Show All Tables
- Describe Table
- Explain Table
- Create Table
- Insert data into the table
- Delete data from the table
- Update the entries in the table
- Adding Column To Table
- Adding Column with Unique Auto-Increment ID
- Remove Primary Key Property From Table
- Delete Column From Table
- Delete Table
Insert/Select/Like/Where/Update clauses commands
- Select multiple columns from table
- Select column using equal to(=) condition
- Select data in a given range
- Combine a SQL string in multiple columns using CONCAT() function
- Count the entries in a column
- LIKE - Finds entry in table that have given STRING in any position
- LIKE - Finds entry in table that start with given STRING
- LIKE - Finds entry in table that ends with given STRING
- LIKE - Finds entry in table that Start and Ends with given STRINGS
- WHERE clause with NOT EQUAL operator
- WHERE clause with NOT operator
- WHERE clause with LESS THAN operator (<)
- WHERE clause with AND operator
- WHERE clause with OR operator
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